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China National Bamboo Research Center Received Chief Minister from India State of Manipur
Author:     Time: 2013-09-25

Discussion Session
Discussion Session

Led by Chief Minister Mr. O. Ibobi Singh, a high level delegation of 18 members from India State of Manipur visited China National Bamboo Research Center on September 24th, 2013. The minister briefed his counterpart the bamboo resources in the State of Manipur and sought out that the China National Bamboo Research Center of CAF could send its specialists to provide technical guidance in bamboo industry or his personnel could be dispatched here to be trained at the Center. Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of State of Manipur Mr. Rajeev Singh and also the State Tourism official Mr. Rajesh Kumar put forward proposals and intentions for cooperation in developing the suitable bamboo products and marketing.

The visiting team and the host had in depth discussions in regard to the personnel exchanges and technical collaboration. Accompany the chief minister were high ranking officials, including Mr.Naveen Srivastava, consul-general of India Shanghai Consulate; Mr. K. Govindas Singh , Minister of Industrial & Commerce Department;  Mr. I. Hemochandra Singh , Minister of Labor; and Mr. M.Prithviraj, Secretory of Manipur Parliament. Deputy director-general YU Xihua from Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Province people’s government escorted the visiting delegation. India State of Manipur is located in the northeast of India and is abundant in bamboo resources .Traditionally it has advantage in bamboo handcraft industry. Previously, there are 176 person/time forestry technical personnel from India who have been trained in the Center, of whom 10 have been from the State of Manipur.


Chief Minister Singh made his remarks
