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MOU of Cooperation between Chinese Academy of Forestry and Murdoch University Signed
Author:     Time: 2013-05-29

MOU of Cooperation between Chinese Academy of Forestry and Murdoch University Signed

Headed by Vice President LIU Shirong, CAF’s six-member delegation paid visit to Murdoch University on March 18th 2013. MOU of cooperation between Chinese Academy of Forestry and Murdoch University was signed by Vice President LIU Shirong and Vice President Ann Capling of Murdoch University. According to the MOU, both parties will enforce cooperation in scientific research and personnel exchanges in the areas of forest mitigation to climate change, forest hydrology, and dryland management, extermination of disease and insect pest as well as sustainable management of plantations. After the signing ceremony, LIU presented the credentials of visiting research fellow to Professor Bernard Dell, School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, and to Richard Harper, Director of Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy (re-named the Institute for Social Sustainability (ISS).

Afterwards, CAF’s delegation joined the “Forests, drought and climate change adaptation symposium” organized by Murdoch University. Vice President LIU Shirong delivered a presentation entitled “The Responses of Forests and Adaptation Management to Climate Change in China” and held academic discussions with researchers from University of Western Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, U.S Forest Service and University of Colorado.
