Lei Xiangdong
Author:     Time: 2016-11-10

Lei Xiangdong

Professor, researcher of Department of Forest Management and Statistics in Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques (IFRIT), Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF).


He received his Ph.D. in Forest Management from Beijing Forestry University, in July 2000. 

He worked as a Post-doc follow of forest growth modelling in Lab. of Ecological Modelling and Carbon Science, University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), Canada, from June 2008 to May 2009.

Research interests:

His research interests cover tree growth modeling and simulation, multiple-functional forest management, and forest inventory. 

He published more than 100 research papers and book chapters.

Research projects (Since 2010)

-Site quality and productivity assessment in major forests of China (2015-2018, PI)

-Climate-sensitive stand growth and yield model (2013-2016, PI)

-Sustainable forest management techniques for larch-spruce-fir forests in Northeast China (2012-2016, PI)

-Key techniques for forest health management of major forests in China (2010-2014, Participated)
