Xie Yaojian
Author:     Time: 2016-11-09

Scientist Profile

Name: Xie Yaojian

Title: Professor/Senior Scientist

Position: Director of China Eucalypt Research Centre (CERC)


BSc, from Central South University of Forestry

MSc, from Central South University of Forestry

PhD, from Central South University of Forestry and Technology


Eucalypt Seedling Breeding

Sustainable management of Eucalyptus plantations

Forest Cell Engineering

Contact: cercxieyj@163.com

Dr Xie Yaojian is one of the most well-known experts of Eucalypt in China. He is working on the fields of Forest Genetics and Breeding, Silviculture.

Dr Xie makes a great contribution to China Eucalypt Industry by leading many major projects which bring lots of achievements. He is currently leading a public welfare project of forestry, titled’ Breeding on Eucalypt Solid Wood Superior Species and Study on Their directive Cultivating Technology’ since 2015. He is also the leader of International Cooperation Group in China Eucalypt Research Centre (CERC).

Dr Xie was appointed as research professor and deputy director in China Eucalypt Research Centre (CERC) in 1998.He was also appointed as the chairman of Eucalypt Branch of Chinese Society of Forestry in 2005.


Dr Xie became a lecturer (& later associate professor) after he graduated from Central South University of Forestry (former Central South University of Forestry and Technology) from 1985 to 1997. And he became a visiting fellow of Swedish University of Agricultural from 1995 to 1996. Dr Xie graduated from Central South University of Forestry and Technology with a PhD degree in 2008.

Representative projects

  1. Key Technical Research on Ecological Management and Upgrading Industries of Eucalypt
  2. Fungal Diseases Threatening Eucalyptus Plantations in China
  3. Research and Demonstration on Key Silviculture Techniques for Fast-growing and High-yield Eucalypt and Acacia Plantation
  4. Selection of Wind-resistant Plants and Fast-breeding Techniques Research for Coastal Areas
  5. Selecting and Breeding Eucalypt High Yield and High Quality Species
  6. Introduction of Sustainable Land Management Techniques for Eucalypt Plantation
  7. Introduction of Modern Nursery Techniques
  8. Extension and Demonstration of Eucalypt New Varieties: Xin ’an No.1 and No.2
  9. Research on New Technology of Cultivating City Forestry and Gardening Seedling
  10. Breeding and Extending of Eucalypt Hybrids



  1. China Eucalypt Development Outstanding Contribution Award 2014
  2. ‘Research and Demonstration on Improvement of Germplasm and Silviculture for Cold Tolerant Eucalypts’ won the second prize of Liang Xi Forestry Science and Technology Award in 2011(Ranked 2nd)
  3. ‘Integrated Technology of Eucalypt Large Diameter Wood Production’ won the second prize of Agriculture Technology Popularization award, Guangdong Province in 2010 (Ranked 1st)
  4. Selection of improved variety and efficiently cultivation techniques of fast-growing hardwood species in South China’ won the second prize of Technology Award of Chinese Academic of Forestry in 2009
  5. ‘Introduction of Rare Species for Eucalyptus Project’ won the third prize of Guangdong Agricultural Technology Popularization Award in 2007 (Ranked 2nd)
  6. ‘Introduction of Rare Species for Eucalyptus Project’ won the third prize of Science and technology Award of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province in 2007 (Ranked 2nd)
  7. Awarded the Nation’s Advanced Worker in 2006
  8. ‘Selection and Silviculture Techniques of Eucalyptus Pulpwood Project’ won the second prize of Guangdong Science and Technology Award in 2004 (Ranked 3rd)
  9. ‘ot the new species certificates of Eucalyptus ‘Xin ’an No.1 and No.2’ from State Forestry Administration in 2004 (Ranked 2nd)
  10. ‘Introduction of Testing Technique of wood Properties and Cold-tolerant Eucalyptus from South Africa Project’ won the second prize of Science and technology Award of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province in 2002

Representative Publications



Dr. Xie is the chief editor of the scientific Journal titled’ Eucalypt Science & Technology’

Other works:

  1. Popular Science Reading: Real Facts of Eucalypt, chief editor,2015
  2. Eucalyptus research in China for 30 years, the second editor, 2011,
  3. Past dark willows and flowers in bloom lies another village- Eucalyptus research and development when facing the financial crisis, editor, China Forestry Publishing, 2010
  4. Forest Biotechnology, editor, 2008
  5. Study of Eucalyptus in Early 21st Century, chief editor, 2006
  6. Cultivation of No-timber Product Forest,(the second edition), editor,2003
  7. Cultivation and Utilization of Major No-timber Product Forest Tree in China, associate chief editor, 2000
  8. Life Science and Green Industry, editor, 1999
  9. Seed physiology, editor, 1995


1. Xie Yaojian, Primary Studies on Sustainable Management Strategy of Eucalyptus Plantation in China, 2003, World Forestry Research, 16(5), 59-64.

2. Yaojian Xie, Advances in Tissue Culture of Eucalyptus in China, 2003, Eucalyptus Plantations, ed: Run Peng Wei, Daping Xu, World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong , 128-137.

3. Xie Yaojian, Chen Shuaifei, Tan Xiaofeng, Effects of Solutions of Different Formula on Growth of Eucalyptus Hydroponics Hedges, Scientia Silvae Sinicae,2007,43(12) ,144-148.

4. XIE Yaojian, TAN Xiaofeng, Introduction of Eucalyptus urophylla and the Evaluation of Its Biological Invasion Risk, Journal Of Central South University Of Forestry & Technology,2007,27(6),


5. XIE Yaojian, WANG Jun, PENG Yan, TAN Xiaofeng, Studies on Light Media for Cuttings Propagation of Eucalyptus, Forest Research, 2008, 21(4), 528-533.

6. XIE Yaojian, ZHANG Shichao, TAN Xiaofeng ,Light Medium Formulation for Eucalyptus Cutting Culture, Journal Of Central South University Of Forestry & Technology,2008,28(4),62-66.

7. LUO Jianzhong, XIE Yaojian, CAO Jiaguang, LU Wanhong, REN Shiqi, Genetic variation in 2-year Eucalypt hybrids' growth and typhoon resistance, Acta Prataculturae Sinica,2009,18(6):91-97.

8. WU Zhihua, LI Tianhui, ZHANG Hua-in, XIE Yaojian(Corresponding author),Studies on growth and wind-resistance traits of Casuarina and Acacia stands from coastal protection forest, Acta Prataculturae Sinica,2010,19(4):166-175.

9. XIE Yaojian, Research Progress on Eucalyptus Breeding and Its Strategy in China, World Forestry Research, 2011, 24(4):50-54.
