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IUFRO President Niels Elers Koch Receives CAF Honorary Professorship
Author:     Time: 2012-10-15

IUFRO President Niels Elers Koch Receives CAF Honorary Professorship


Prof. Niels Elers Koch, President of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), received honorary professorship when he visited CAF on 15 October, 2012.

Before the conferral, Prof. ZHANG reviewed the contributions made by IUFRO to the global forest sector as well as the long-standing cooperation between CAF and IUFRO. His point was that IUFRO was the largest and most influential network of forest scientists in the world and played a paramount role in enhancing the exchanges and collaboration among forest scientists worldwide.

Prof. LIU Shirong, Vice President of CAF introduced Prof. Koch’s resume and highlighted his outstanding contribution along with diligent efforts  in promoting the status, reputation and influence of IUFRO in the world and continuously advancing the friendly cooperation between CAF and IUFRO as the latter’s president, which was in favor of the China forest sector.

The honorary professorship is conferred on Prof. Koch in appreciation of his outstanding achievements in the scientific research on forestry and tremendous contribution to the fruitful cooperation between IUFRO and CAF. He then received the official plaque from Prof. ZHANG Shougong, President of CAF.  This is a milestone for the strengthened cooperation between CAF and IUFRO.

Prof. Koch showed his gratitude for the professorship as well as the long-term support of CAF to IUFRO’s work and he looked forward to enhanced collaboration between IUFRO and CAF.

Prof. Niels Elers Koch is now president of IUFRO and dean at the Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen.
