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Pro. Xue Jianming from Royal Forest Research Institute of New Zealand visited Institute of Desertification for academic exchange
Author:     Time: 2019-09-27

On September 20th, Pro.Xue Jianming from New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd (Scion) was invited to Institute of Desertification for academic exchange and delivered an academic report entitled “Beneficial use of biosolids to forestland in New Zealand: What are the environmental and ecological impacts?” More than 10 teachers and students from desertification institute and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences attended the report exchange meeting.

Based on the long-term positioning test, the report systematically analyzes the application and ecological impact of Biosolids as bio-fertilizer in the radiation pine forests of New Zealand, focusing on the reuse of bio-solid waste. The atmosphere of the lecture was warm. The young researchers of Institute of Desertification and Pro.Xue discussed the ideas of scientific research, experimental methods and the selection and submission experience of SCI journals, and put forward the plan of further exchange and joint research. At the same time, Pro.Xue patiently answered and introduced the questions of the graduate students in the new China scholarship council joint postgraduate training program jointly undertaken by the royal New Zealand forestry research institute. (Yao Bin, Experimental Center of Desert)
